Monday, July 5, 2010

DOWNLOADS: Laura Stevenson and The Cans - A Record

So Laura Stevenson and A Can ("The Can" being Mike Campbell - of Latterman, The Brass fame) played Sigma in Swansea just over a week ago, and they were, well, amazing. Laura's voice was by far the most beautiful thing I have ever heard (and that's not a word I throw around lightly). She and Mike literally had the entire audience of Sigma sat in silence, mesmerised by their soothing songs. Something that Sigma had probably never seen before, and probably won't see for a long time after. Her voice was so beautiful and heart warming that at one point it had my good friend Morg almost in tears! I've told people to download this record before they played, but I'm not sure many people actually followed through. So here it is, courtesy of quote unquote records. If you like this record either donate to Quote Unquote or buy this record in it's physical form from Asian Man Records. They fucking deserve it!

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